COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Response

FBCLID 2 operators remain onsite and prepared to respond to flood or drainage emergencies during the COVID-19 outbreak.  The FBCLID 2 pump station, levees, and ditches continue to be routinely maintained and inspected.  Because these facilities provide crucial protection to the community, all operations personnel are considered essential workers.  The District’s emergency planning and operations over the past several years have resulted in cross training a large number of inspectors and operators.  FBCLID 2 has also invested in communication and network technology to operate and monitor all facilities remotely with limited in-person interaction. The FBCLID 2 Board of Directors has adopted emergency meeting procedures to provide business continuity for the District during the COVID-19 outbreak.  The March 18 meeting of the Board of Directors continued as scheduled, via teleconference.  Details about future public meetings will continue to be posted online at .

Emergency Operations

FBCLID 2 recently launched a new Emergency Operations webpage that includes many resources available to all FBCLID 2 residents.

  • Emergency Operations graphic
    • Brazos River & Ditch H water level outside the levee
    • Ditch A water level inside the levee
    • Bill Little Pump Station operations
    • FBCLID 2 critical elevations for levees, homes, and streets
    • Graphic displays “live” values and automatically updates
  • Rain and Stream Gauges
    • Rainfall totals
    • Drainage ditch water levels
  • Staff Gauges
    • Camera images inside & outside levee at pump stations
    • Photos automatically update hourly

Third Pump Station Construction

Construction activity continues on the Third Pump Station and work remains on schedule to be operational by spring 2021.  Additional construction details are available at:

Third Pump Station Construction Update

Please pardon our appearance during construction. Work continues on schedule for the Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 2 (FBCLID 2) Third Pump Station. The pile driving that began in January is now complete. The contractor is currently excavating the large hole needed to install the new pumps. The excavation will be approximately forty feet deep and requires several thousand dump truck trips down Oakland Drive and Elkins Road. It will take several months to complete all the required excavation. Please excuse the dust and remain aware of construction traffic as FBCLID 2 completes this essential flood control project.

Regulations require the Third Pump Station contractor to implement a variety of “best management practices” to keep the streets and storm sewers clean. These activities include maintaining stabilized construction entrances, protecting storm sewer inlets, and routine street cleaning. The contractor keeps a street sweeper onsite at all times and has a crew with shovels and wheelbarrows for spot cleaning. FBCLID 2 is closely monitoring this issue and will continue to communicate with the City of Sugar Land throughout the project.

The Third Pump Station is still on schedule to be complete and operational by Spring 2021. Additional construction details are available online: Please contact FBCLID 2 directly with any questions or concerns:

Third Pump Station Construction Update

Construction continues on the Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 2 (FBCLID 2) Third Pump Station. Work began at the north end of Oakland Dr., in August 2019, to prepare the site and relocate several utilities that conflict with construction. In November, the FBCLID 2 Board of Directors awarded the main construction contract to Flintco Industrial. Flintco mobilized in December and has started the excavation needed to construct the pump station foundation. Beginning on Monday, January 20 the contractor will start installing the shoring protection required for this deep excavation. Dozens of steel pilings must be driven into the ground, which will create noise during the workday. Work hours for the project are limited from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and the pile driving is scheduled to take 3 weeks to complete.

The Third Pump Station is still on schedule to be complete and operational by Spring 2021. When finished, the facility will operate seven large storm water pumps that are powered by 1,500-horsepower motors. When combined all seven pumps can move approximately 1,000,000 gallons of water per minute which represents a 400% increase in pumping capacity. Additional details about the construction process are available online at The webpage includes construction photos that are updated hourly, time-lapse videos, construction renderings, and project updates.

Feel free to contract FBCLID 2 directly with any questions or concerns. Contact forms and information can be found online at