Emergency Levee Irrigation Pilot Project

Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 2 (FBCLID2) will resume testing on the Emergency Levee Irrigation Pilot Project beginning the week of Monday, August 27. The Levee Operator will irrigate 2.5 miles of the Oyster Creek Levee between Lexington Blvd. and US-59/I-69. Levees are an essential component of the FBCLID 2 flood protection system and are maintained to the highest local and federal
standards. During periods of heavy drought, large cracks can form in the levees which are made of clay soils. Despite the catastrophic floods of recent memory, only a few years ago the entire State of Texas experienced a major drought that created this desiccation cracking in the FBCLID 2 levee embankment.

The Emergency Levee Irrigation Pilot Project will field test portable irrigation equipment that can be deployed during the next drought. FBCLID 2 recently purchased the irrigation reel picture below which is fed by a portable pump that draws water from Oyster Creek. If the pilot project meets design expectations, FBCLID 2 will evaluate expanding the system so all levees can be watered in just 3 days.

The Emergency Levee Irrigation Pilot Project is not intended to provide routine watering cycles throughout the year that are typically used in lawns or parks. The irrigation system would be specifically reserved for times of extreme drought to prevent any major cracking or damage to the levee. For questions or comments about the project email the FBCLID2 General Manger at gm1@fbclid2.com.

Emergency Levee Irrigation Pilot Project – Map (PDF)

West Levee Top Armoring Pilot Project

Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 2 (FBCLID2) has started a pilot project to armor a portion of the West Levee. Approximately 3,000 feet of the West Levee between US-59/I-69 and the Bill Little Stormwater Pump Station on Greystone Way will be covered with articulated concrete blocks. Levees are an essential component of the FBCLID 2 flood protection system and must be routinely maintained and inspected. The armoring will provide a solid surface for inspection vehicles that results in less levee damage and reduces the need for future maintenance. Typically, after a heavy rain, vehicles are not allowed on the levee top due to the amount of rutting that will occur. After the armoring is installed the levee can quickly and easily be inspected under any conditions. The use of articulated concrete block will still allow grass to grow on the levee top, providing a green but resilient surface. The project will also add a new access ramp near US-59/I-69 that improves access to the West Levee and Pump Station during both emergency and normal operations.

The West Levee Top Armoring Pilot Project will be complete by October 2018. The contractor will enter the construction site from Lexington Boulevard, as noted on the map. Please be aware of construction traffic when traveling through this area. For questions or comments about the project email the FBCLID2 General Manger at gm1@fbclid2.com.

Rehabilitation of Drainage Channels: Ditches B, C, and E

Beginning in June 2018, Fort Bend County Levee Improvement District No. 2 (FBCLID2) will begin a large capital improvement project within the community. The project will impact Ditches B, C, and E which drain storm water runoff for a large portion of First Colony. The goal of the project is to rehabilitate the ditch bottoms to prevent further erosion and to improve slope stability within these channels. When complete, the project will help remove rainfall runoff from inside the levee as efficiently as possible.

The project is expected to take more than a year to complete, contingent on inclement weather, and should be finished in 2019. The contractor will enter construction sites from the locations noted on the map, including Austin Parkway, Highway 6, Sweetwater Blvd. and Williams Trace. Please be aware of construction traffic when traveling through these impacted areas. For questions or comments about the project email the FBCLID2 General Manger at gm1@fbclid2.com.